The HAM-117 Scarab Attack Cutter is a common sight in SSA forces, with its distinctive beetle-shape and "ruff" of sensor masts just behind the bridge. The Scarab's durability is considerable for it's size, carrying heavy shields with thick diamium hull plating. Combined with its high speed and agility - as much as many much smaller bombers - the Scarab can survive long enough for the cumulative effect of it's weapons to cause severe damage, even to much larger vessels. The price is that Scarabs carry only a modest weapon load. The primary weapons are two forward astroburster cannons. A rotary tri-barreled particle pellet gun is mounted either side of the bridge in a ball turret, providing anti-fighter and anti-missile protection. These are supplemented by several light hyper-rays blisters to provide coverage in the aft arcs.
Scarabs work in small groups, closing to point-blank range and using wolf-pack tactics to eliminate enemy vessels.